Should I File A Hockey Concussions Lawsuit?

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Jun 3, 2024 -

In this article I'm going to talk about the pros and cons of filing a hockey concussions lawsuit. A lot of people have asked me if they should go ahead with it or not, and my answer is this: you should go for it if you are not ready for life with constant headaches. If you're already sure that you can't live without it, then go ahead and take the first step.

You see, many NHL players suffer from Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, otherwise known as CTE. This condition can only be detected after death, and in most cases it can only be detected after a patient has passed away. So, how do you know if you have CTE? The symptoms of CTE include a loss of memory, irritability, depression, and problems with thinking processes and judgment.

Not many people realize it, but CTE is basically caused by repeated blows to the head, and a lot of hockey players have been identified with this condition thanks to studies conducted over the past 10 years. Unfortunately, there haven't been any large-scale studies done on the long-term effects of repeated hockey hits, so we don't really know what it does to your brain. However, there are reports of a correlation between hockey concussions and memory loss.

So, if you think you may have CTE, you should file a hockey concussions lawsuit right away. This is one of the few cases where you can bring a case against an NHL team. In fact, in order to get a personal injury case dismissed against a sports league, you have to show that the injury you sustained was not caused by another person. This requires strong evidence. This evidence may also show that the player did not play with the kind of care he should have given when on the ice.

If you win a case against a hockey team, they will be required to pay a fine, take away points from their record, and make sure that every member of the team is properly monitored when playing hockey. They also have to pay to have CTE testing done on all players, as well as pay for any other research that may be conducted in order to help find a cure for the condition. Once the testing proves that there are no cures, they must also pay for the research that has been done.

And, if the hockey team wins, they are also required to pay out some type of disability insurance to those who were injured while playing for them, which is much cheaper than paying thousands of dollars to treat the condition themselves or for the rest of their lives. So, should you decide to go ahead with filing a hockey concussions lawsuit? <

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